Please find information below on how to create a listing or change a listing on this website.

Add or update a listing
The website is targeted at visitors who are looking to explore our region, as well as locals who might like to discover their own backyard.
The site features activities, attractions, events and businesses in the following categories:
- Accommodation businesses in South Gippsland Shire
- Attraction/tour businesses in South Gippsland Shire
- Events in South Gippsland Shire
- Food and beverage businesses in South Gippsland Shire and
- Retail/art/craft businesses (with a shop front) that are located in a South Gippsland Shire township.
If you are a business owner and your business meets the criteria above, you can apply for a free listing on the website.
To do this simply complete the appropriate form below:
If you already have a listing on the site that you would like to make changes to, please let us know HERE.
Alternatively you can complete a new form via the links above.